Archived Posts
- A Minor Update for 2109
- Book Review: My Job Went to India
- The 2014 Agenda
- 2013 in Review
- Book: Getting Things Done
- Book: Michael Jackson's Complete Guide to Single Malt Scotch
- Book: Information Dashboard Design
- Book: Real Marriage
- Ludum Dare 26 Post Mortem - Minimalist Moe
- GDC 2013
- Book: Refuse to Choose
- OpenGL screencast video tutorial HD 23 - Tessellation
- The 2013 Agenda
- 2012 in Review
- OpenGL screencast video tutorial HD 22 - Fog
- Book: Don't Waste Your Life
- OpenGL screencast video tutorial HD 21 - Skybox
- OpenGL screencast video tutorial HD 20 - Anti Aliasing
- Ludum Dare 25 Post Mortem - Doggie Destroyer
- On Shipping Product
- Book: Running Lean
- Book: The Culting of Brands
- RubyConf 2012
- Startup School 2012
- Book: The Strategic Student
- Book: Game Theory 101: The Basics
- Book: Forgotten God
- Book: Being Geek
- Book: Crazy Love
- Book: Venture Deals
- Book: Erasing Hell
- Hacker Monthly - Issues 1 through 4
- Book: The Design of Everyday Things
- Book: Crossing the Chasm
- Book: 59 Seconds
- Book: Pro Git
- Book: No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs
- Book: Logicomix: An Epic Search For Truth
- Book: The Innovator's Dilemma
- Book: The Future of Management
- Book: Free
- Book: The Wisdom of Crowds
- Book: How To Prove It: A Structured Approach
- Book: Programming Concurrency on the JVM
- Book: The Lean Startup
- Short TV Show Title Sequences
- Lost - The Television Show - My Questions and Answers - part 2
- Lost - The Television Show - My Questions and Answers
- Book: The Agile Samurai
- OpenGL screencast video tutorial HD 19 - Blending
- OpenGL screencast video tutorial HD 18 - Overlays
- OpenGL screencast 14 - Textures Part 1
- OpenGL screencast 17 - Animation Part 2
- OpenGL screencast 16 - Animation Part 1
- OpenGL screencast 15 - Textures Part 2
- OpenGL screencast 13 - Lighting and Material Part 2 - Materials
- OpenGL screencast 12 - Lighting and Material Part 1 - Setup and Normals
- OpenGL screencast 11 - Code Organization
- OpenGL screencast 10 - Push and Pop Matrix, and Complex Objects
- OpenGL screencast 9 - Scaling, Rotation, and Translation
- OpenGL screencast 8 - Drawing in 3D part 3 - Spheres, Cylinders, and Cones
- Android: How to float a row above the soft keyboard
- OpenGL screencast 7 - Drawing in 3D part 2 - Perspective and Orthogonal Projections and Cubes
- Android: fixing window resizing and scrolling
- OpenGL Screencast 6 - Drawing in 3D part 1 - GLUT objects
- OpenGL Screencast 5 - Using GLUT for OpenGL interaction
- OpenGL Screencast 4 - Drawing in 2D: Triangles, Quads, and Polygons
- OpenGL Screencast 3 - Drawing in 2D: Points and Lines
- OpenGL Screencast 2 - Bitmap Characters
- OpenGL Screencast 1 - Hello World (Glut)
- Bible Reading Plans and One Year Bibles
- Any Metadata Bookmarklet
- Losing Privacy and Why You Can't Espace
- Simple API in Rails 3 using respond_to and respond_with
- Simple JSON API in Django
- Parsing Bible Searches
- Django Raw and Raw SQL
- Where are the Django Standards?
- Converted Blog to HTML5
- And then it was March
- All Sorts of Distractions
- My Jekyll Rake File
- Short Break for Thanksgiving
- What happened to all the major Ruby bloggers?
- Scrollable Table with jQuery
- Forgetting the Milk
- Sinatra Base Static File Issue
- Jekyll is up and running
- Back with a Vengeance
- Last WordPress Post
- Found an Apartment
- Moving to Colorado!
- Europe and jQuery Editable Field
- div float tests
- Re-acquiring Focus
- going raw. Rawr.
- Short-term lack of posts
- Project Euler #8
- Project Euler #7
- Project Euler #6
- Project Euler #5
- Project Euler #4
- Project Euler #3
- Project Euler #2
- Project Euler #1
- Project Euler
- Rails Cross-Cutting Concerns - Filters, Observers, and Aspect-Oriented Programming
- Dynamic, Search-based RSS feeds
- Rails text_field tag with datetime data gotcha
- named_scope and Thinking Sphinx gotcha
- Simple non-model checkbox in Rails
- Facebook style, unobtrusive ajax pagination for will_paginate with jQuery
- Simple filterered search using drop downs with Thinking Sphinx
- Site wide announcements in Rails using jQuery (jGrowl)
- Lovin Ubiquity
- More Free Time, Less Free Time
- Book: Don't Make Me Think
- Wasting Time Online
- Installed Rockbox
- Slicehost setup scripts on github
- Announcing (i<3)
- Using WordPress
- Coming Soon